Vie de Maman – Business – Épanouissement

Je m’appelle Emmanuelle

J’aide les Jeunes Mamans et Multi-Potentiels à Briser leur Plafond de Verre, Repousser leurs Limites et à Créer un Plan qui allie toutes les Dimensions de leur Être afin d’Épanoui.e à chaque niveau.

Holistique et Pratique, à l’aide d’outils Concrets et Efficaces, mon Approche est Accessible à Toi si tu veut Associer et Intégrer chaque partie de Ta Vie pour créer l’Harmonie entre tes Ambitions et tes Valeurs Fortes.

Tu ressortira plus Confiant.e et Prêt.e à te lancer ou a continuer Ton Envol ! En plus, tu feras partie d’une communauté de Jeunes Leaders Ambitieux avec qui tu vas pouvoir Réseauter et qui sait, peut être aussi trouver de futurs partenaires en affaires et / ou personnel !

✨ Atelier sur la Vision

👥 Mastermind/Groupe de Co-dévelopement

🧠 Coaching / Counseling 1 à 1

Vie de Maman – Business – Épanouissement

Je m’appelle Emmanuelle

J’aide les Jeunes Mamans et Multi-Potentiels à Briser leur Plafond de Verre, Repousser leurs Limites et à Créer un Plan qui allie toutes les Dimensions de leur Être afin d’Épanoui.e à chaque niveau.

Holistique et Pratique, à l’aide d’outils Concrets et Efficaces, mon Approche est Accessible à Toi si tu veut Associer et Intégrer chaque partie de Ta Vie pour créer l’Harmonie entre tes Ambitions et tes Valeurs Fortes.

Tu ressortira plus Confiant.e et Prêt.e à te lancer ou a continuer Ton Envol ! En plus, tu feras partie d’une communauté de Jeunes Leaders Ambitieux avec qui tu vas pouvoir Réseauter et qui sait, peut être aussi trouver de futurs partenaires en affaires et / ou personnel !

✨ Atelier sur la Vision

👥 Mastermind/Groupe de Co-dévelopement

🧠 Coaching / Counseling 1 à 1

Helping you navigate the changes in your life so that you can find your way, back to your AUTHENTIC SELF gracefully.

Emmanuelle is a multi-passionate coach who works with mothers, women of color and young entrepreneurs.

I believe that Earth, Tiamat or Ki, is a school and that we are here for a reason. For me, LIFE is a test and we are here to BECOME our BEST self possible.

My objective is to be able to guide YOU on a path on which YOU feel empowered every step of the way.

Born in the Dominican Republic from a Cameroonian mother and a Canadian father, Emmanuelle likes to call herself a world citizen.

Following the divorce of her parents, she went to France with her mother where she spent her teenage years. Emmanuelle prompted by her mom, then decided to go to university in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada to be specific. This mix of cultures helped Emmanuelle get a better understanding of people and a broader vision of the world around her.

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Hey You!

My name is Emmanuelle and I am now a Neuropsychoidiology coach and “mompreneur”. I was shy and introverted for the better part of my life until one day I realized that shyness was not mine and that I could choose to be who I wanted to be. You’ll say something like “ okay I get that but what did you say earlier about a Neuro-psycho-something?!

Well, simply put Neuropsychoidology is the science of our own brain and mind and the recognition of our patterns, all of this applied to the coaching field. You see it’s not that complicated after all! 😉

In June 2021, I wrote a new chapter in my life, as I was seriously seeking an education in the coaching industry. I then found the course that the Center for Applied Neuroscience provided (find more here).

Let’s take a few steps back. I came across coaching through my appreciation for self-development and self-knowledge. I discovered these fields during my first-ever adventure in the world of business as an Executive Team Leader in a known relationship marketing company. There, I found my first friends, mentors, and even my life partner. All helped me surpass the shyness I developed as a youngster and bring out my inner self-confidence so that I could level up and fine-tune my skills.

At the same time, I discovered the world of podcasts and started listening to interesting people that helped me strengthen my interest in well-being and the world of self-development, and how it can truly transform someone’s life.

That’s how I discovered the world of coaching. Early in 2021, I was ready to seek education and found a 9-months coaching course with which I resonated. It wasn’t always easy as I became pregnant over the summer; I was a security guard and ready to be laid off, as I knew it, I was able to prepare in due time and had another job lined up.

It seemed to me I had a lot of stress already why would I want to put more on my plate? Well, just because I knew that if I would not change anything I would still be in this forever repeating cycle in a few years, and I did NOT want that to happen. So I was pregnant, and I was about to lose my job. I was scared and yet committed to investing everything I had in myself instead of my supervisor and her boss.

Now my objective with the opportunity I have is to be able to guide YOU on a path on which YOU feel empowered.

I believe that each one of us came to Earth, Tiamat or Ki, for a reason and that it is part of the test to erase our memories of our past lives so that we forgot why we came here to re-learn, grow, evolve, and become the best version of ourself.

YOU are the expert in your life and we as coaches are here to bring accountability, guide you and help you find the solutions that are within yourself.


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